Balance of Left and Right Brain (Basic)

Learn to balance Left and right brain functions equally build your " outstanding personality"
Balance of left and right brain helps to maintain complete balance in life. Left brain people are more organized and systematic. Right - brain people are more creative and intuitive. So which side of your brain do you wake up on in the morning? Find out with this test through Natya therapy.
The balance of left brain and right brain is the powerful tool to manifest our creation into reality.
The brain is slit into two hemispheres, left and right, and these have quite di?erent in?uences. Left brained people tend to be logical, rational, verbal, rapid-?re thinkers. They process information sequentially, looking ?rst at the pieces and putting them together to get the whole picture. Right-brained people tend to be visual thinkers who process information in an intuitive and visionary way, looking ?rst at the whole picture and then at the details. They are also introverted and sensitive, especially to light, sound and criticism.
Our educational system is set up for left-brained children, as they think in a linear way that is easy to teach. Right- brained children are not accommodated so easily as they are more visual and need imagery to grasp concepts. Because of this, those who are right-brained are often diagnosed as being unable to pay attention and as having ADD. Such children simply learn in a di?erent way, when that is accommodated they actually have no problem learning at all.
As the brain stem enters the spine at the top of the neck the nerves emanating from these two sides cross over. So the right side of your body relates to the rational and logical part of your being and the left side to the more creative and emotional qualities. However, the logic does not follow through which hand (left and right) is most dominant. Apparently it makes little di?erence%3A there are a higher proportion of artists who are left-handed, but there are also a higher proportion of left- handed tennis players!