Seven Chakras Movements & Mudras (Advance)

Natya therapy is not just an innovative to release stress and weight issues natya therapy provides beautiful movements and with the correct rhythm helps to cure and beal all the disease and disorders. The beauty of this natya therapy is been styled in a very holistic way.
There are 76 basic Dance postures which helps to activate your chakras. These classic  postures are divided into different sets. The first set of postures are programmed in a way which makes the foundation of our human system.
We have different bodies such as physical body, etheric body, mental body… It is very necessary first to align these bodies
There first set of movements and postures will help to make the foundation of our systems very strong, which allows the kundalini energy to flow and channelise in a right direction.

How can you identify your beliefs through, Movement, Body postures or Mudras?

Body and mind are interrelated as per the processing and functioning of thoughts and actions. Action is processed by body is an outcome (Reparation) of the thought which processed in the mind through body actions. Body and Mind command each other. Body has to experiences the prior to mind eg. sometimes the body experiences change in the environmentally and reacts where the mind supports the event.
Conclusion is body is more receptive to the environment and then mind follows it.
- Body and mind works on the principle of intimacy and dynamism, that is to say. Everything which is happening in ones life, is correlated at mental and bodily level.
- Whatever you feed to your body as in water food exercise walks and enjoy all this sensory capabilities our body gets adapted and gets a different look.
- Similarly the emotions and sentiments we experience in our mind becomes our reality at mental level.
Body will never lie
Movements will help to identify the clogged energy which is concealed in the body. Body movements helps identify and further rectify For eg. If a person can’t flex their knee during and movement. He is not only facing inflexibly at body level, it can be said that person is very rigid at mental level as body and mind work on the same tangent. Therefore it is very important to maintain both mental and physical fitness.